User Materials
With this recording of the compact webinar, you can follow the course on your own computer at your own schedule.
LS-DYNA offers the possibility to implement own material models into the code of the program. Therefore the user developed and compiled material routines will be linked with the corresponding LS-DYNA object-files. The webinar addresses as well to users from the industrial as to users from an academical research background that integrate their own material models in LS-DYNA and are interested in discussing their experience with the implementation in a wider circle of users.
Please note that this course is only available to employees of companies or universities. Students and private individuals are excluded from use.
- Download and Overview of the LS-DYNA usermat package
- Explanation of the Makefile, compilation and Fortran files
- Usermat interface: structure, subroutines, keyword input
- Discussion on various options and parameters
- Live demos
Tobias Erhart

Areas of expertise:
FE theory, material modeling
Academic studies:
Civil engineering