Parameter Identification with LS-OPT

The use of new materials, such as plastics, composites, foams, fabrics or high-tensile steels, demands the application of highly complex material models. These material formulations are generally associated with numerous material parameters. The optimization program LS-OPT is ideally suited for identifying these parameters. In the identification process, an automatic comparison is carried out between the experimental results and the simulation results of LS-DYNA. Thereafter, the error between experiments and simulations is minimized.

In this seminar, a brief introduction in LS-OPT is given with a focus on the application of LS-OPT to determine material parameters. No prior knowledge about optimization or the application of LS-OPT is required.


  • The optimization problem for the parameter identification

- Objective function: to minimize deviations between simulations and experiments (least-squares principle)
- Constraints
- Optimization variables
- Normalization and weighting
- Min. / max. formulation: minimizing the maximum deviation

  • Brief introduction to LS-OPT
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  • Simultaneous adaptation of several experiments (e.g. tensile test, shear test and biaxial test)
  • Starting LS-DYNA simulations and job control in LS-OPT
  • Analysis and evaluation of optimization results
  • Execution of examples

The two-day course Introduction to LS-OPT covers these topics in more detail.

    Dates Duration/days Calendar Registration Referee Language Location Fee
    03.07.2025, 09:00 - 17:00 1 day Add to calendar Registration Katharina Liebold English Stuttgart (GER) 525 €
    12.11.2025, 09:00 - 17:00 1 day Add to calendar Registration Katharina Liebold, Nikolay Lazarov English Stuttgart (GER) 525 €


    Katharina Liebold

    Katharina Liebold


    Area of expertise:

    Academic studies:

    Nikolay Lazarov

    Nikolay Lazarov


    Areas of expertise:
    Crash, Optimization

    Civil Engineering