Beta CAE Systems
BETA CAE Systems transformed CAE by introducing revolutionary automation software tools and practices into Simulation and Analysis processes almost 30 years ago.
Committed to our mission to enable engineers to deliver results of high value, we continue to offer state-of-the-art, high-performance software and best-in-class services. Our simulation solutions liberate low risk and high Return-On-Investment innovation.
The ground-breaking technology, the excellent services and our high standards of business ethics are the three pillars on which BETA was founded and grows since then.
Our passion for engineering, our drive for excellence, and our loyalty to customers and partners, are the key ingredients of our success. We first established our reputation in the Automotive sector and now we are proud of the deployment of our software also in the Aerospace, Defence, Biomechanics, Electronics, Energy, and other industries. Our solutions exceed their requirements in all the simulation disciplines, and allow for the development of the right product, for the right market, at the right time.
Alexis Kaloudis
Senior Manager
BETA CAE Systems
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+41 415453657
Lambros Rorris
BETA CAE Systems
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+41 415453668
Emmanouil Dagdilelis
BETA CAE Systems
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+30 2311993223