2010 Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM
Download of presentations of info event "Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM", 29 October 2010
2010 Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM
Download of presentations of info event "Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM", 29 October 2010
Dipl.-Ing. S. Kriechenbauer - TU Dresden
Stephan Pannier - TU Dresden
Lars Penter, Dr. H. Wiemer, Dr. A. Hardtmann, Prof. K. Großmann - TU Dresden
Jeanette Raquet, Dr. André Haufe - DYNAmore GmbH
M. Pichler, P. Reithofer - 4a engineering GmbH
Dr. André Haufe - DYNAmore GmbH