2011 Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM
Download of presentations of info event "Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM", 21 November 2011
2011 Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM
Download of presentations of info event "Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM", 21 November 2011
Dr. André Haufe (DYNAmore GmbH)
André Haufe (DYNAmore GmbH)
David Lorenz (DYNAmore GmbH)
Markus Künzel (DYNAmore GmbH)
Lars Penter (IWM) Harald Lohse (IFD)
M. Pichler (4a manufacturing GmbH), P. Reithofer (4a engineering GmbH)