Prozessauslegung in der (Warm)Umformung durch thermomechanisch gekoppelte Simulation
David Lorenz (DYNAmore GmbH)
Located in
2014 und älter
2011 Webinar Multiphysics
Instability and Failure Prediction for Sheet Metal Forming Applications with LS-DYNA
André Haufe (DYNAmore GmbH)
Located in
2014 und älter
2011 Webinar Multiphysics
The Stress Invariant Simulator (SISi)
Dr. André Haufe (DYNAmore GmbH)
Located in
2014 und älter
2011 Webinar Multiphysics
Mehrschichtverbunde im Leichtbau - Anwendungsbeispiele für Cimera
M. Pichler (4a manufacturing GmbH), P. Reithofer (4a engineering GmbH)
Located in
2014 and earlier
2011 Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM
Materialmodelle einmal anders
Lars Penter (IWM) Harald Lohse (IFD)
Located in
2014 and earlier
2011 Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM
Möglichkeiten zur Reduktion der Simulationszeiten mit LS-DYNA und eta/ DYNAFORM
Markus Künzel (DYNAmore GmbH)
Located in
2014 and earlier
2011 Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM
Prozessauslegung in der (Warm)Umformung durch thermomechanisch gekoppelte Simulation
David Lorenz (DYNAmore GmbH)
Located in
2014 and earlier
2011 Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM
Instability and Failure Prediction for Sheet Metal Forming Applications with LS-DYNA
André Haufe (DYNAmore GmbH)
Located in
2014 and earlier
2011 Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM
The Stress Invariant Simulator (SISi)
Dr. André Haufe (DYNAmore GmbH)
Located in
2014 and earlier
2011 Forming Simulation using LS-DYNA and ETA/DYNAFORM
2011 Webinar Multiphysics
Umformsimulation - Trends und Entwicklungen in LS-DYNA und eta/DYNAFORM, 21. November 2011
Located in
2014 und älter