Modeling Adhesively Bonded Joints with *MAT252 and *MAT_ADD_COHESIVE for Practical Applications (Paper)
Modeling Adhesively Bonded Joints with *MAT252 and *MAT_ADD_COHESIVE for Practical Applications F. Burbulla (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche); A. Matzenmiller, U. Kroll (University of Kassel)
Modeling Adhesively Bonded Joints with *MAT252 and *MAT_ADD_COHESIVE for Practical Applications (Paper)
Modeling Adhesively Bonded Joints with *MAT252 and *MAT_ADD_COHESIVE for Practical Applications F. Burbulla (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche); A. Matzenmiller, U. Kroll (University of Kassel)