Optimization Methodology in Structural Mechanics – Comparison of LS-OPT and Hyperstudy
This paper introduces computerized optimization methods used in the commercially available optimization software LS-OPT (Version 2.2, Revision 199) and Hyperstudy (v7.0). The application of these methods is demonstrated with two examples. In the first example the goal is to reduce the mass of a longitudinal member while keeping or improving its properties in a frontal crash scenario. In the second example computerized optimization is used to adjust a simulation model to the corresponding experiment. The simulation models are calculated with the nonlinear finite-element-solver LS-DYNA. In both examples LS-OPT and Hyperstudy are compared regarding calculation time and results obtained. The strategies of the different optimization methods are analysed. There is no recommendation for one or other optimization software. In both cases the advantages and disadvantages are mentioned.
Optimization Methodology in Structural Mechanics – Comparison of LS-OPT and Hyperstudy
This paper introduces computerized optimization methods used in the commercially available optimization software LS-OPT (Version 2.2, Revision 199) and Hyperstudy (v7.0). The application of these methods is demonstrated with two examples. In the first example the goal is to reduce the mass of a longitudinal member while keeping or improving its properties in a frontal crash scenario. In the second example computerized optimization is used to adjust a simulation model to the corresponding experiment. The simulation models are calculated with the nonlinear finite-element-solver LS-DYNA. In both examples LS-OPT and Hyperstudy are compared regarding calculation time and results obtained. The strategies of the different optimization methods are analysed. There is no recommendation for one or other optimization software. In both cases the advantages and disadvantages are mentioned.