LS-DYNA Compact: Introduction to LS-PrePost

LS-DYNA models can be generated and modified with the pre and post processor LS-PrePost. The program might be used to visualize the results of the LS-DYNA Finite-Element analysis. LS-DYNA input files can be read in and editing of the keyword cards in the graphical user interface is possible. The capabilities of LS-PrePost have been developed constantly over the past years. Especially in the range of pre-processing many new features have been added.

In this webinar the application of LS-PrePost is demonstrated. This class will teach you how to prepare keyword input files for LS-DYNA and to post-process the results using LS-PrePost including a complete pre and postprocessing demonstration example.

Please note: The course will be held in Ansys Learning Hub. We will send the credentials shortly before the training.

Day 1 (9-11 am)

  • General Information
  • General Tools
  • Meshing
  • Pre-Processing
  • LS-Run

Day 2 (9-11 am)

  • Post-Processing
  • Model Checking Tools
  • Automation
  • Special Tools
  • Recent developments

The webinar will take place on two consecutive days.

Date 03.03.2025 (2 days)
Time 09:00 - 11:00
Lecturers Silvia Mandel
Location Online
Languages English
Standard (400 € + VAT)
Employee of University (200 € + VAT)
Student (40 € + VAT)
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