Qualification of *Constrained_Lagrange_In_Solid command for steel/concrete interface modeling
Modeling reinforced concrete is an important requirement for civil engineering calculation. Particularly, engineers need to have information about both rebar and concrete. The need for modeling them separately comes obviously to allow local and global analysis of a reinforced concrete structure. This paper focuses on the validation of modeling of reinforced concrete with the CSCM material and Constrained Lagrange In Solid to tie the rebar. The interest for this method is the possibility to mesh separately concrete and rebar and to avoid overmeshing caused by the concordance between concrete and rebar nodes. This coupling is commonly used to model Eurocodode 2 compatible reinforced concrete. In order to validate the method, a comparison between analytical and numerical results is presented for simple civil engineering frames (beam and portal frame). This first study is made with a pseudo-dynamic loading. First, a four points bending test is presented for different case of steel rate in order to validate that momentum in a section is correctly represented when the concrete is at the maximum damage rate. Then, in a second step, a bending test on a common framework is presented to confirm that the momentum is correctly transmitted in articulation. A particular attention is accorded to the formation of plastic hinges.
Qualification of *Constrained_Lagrange_In_Solid command for steel/concrete interface modeling
Modeling reinforced concrete is an important requirement for civil engineering calculation. Particularly, engineers need to have information about both rebar and concrete. The need for modeling them separately comes obviously to allow local and global analysis of a reinforced concrete structure. This paper focuses on the validation of modeling of reinforced concrete with the CSCM material and Constrained Lagrange In Solid to tie the rebar. The interest for this method is the possibility to mesh separately concrete and rebar and to avoid overmeshing caused by the concordance between concrete and rebar nodes. This coupling is commonly used to model Eurocodode 2 compatible reinforced concrete. In order to validate the method, a comparison between analytical and numerical results is presented for simple civil engineering frames (beam and portal frame). This first study is made with a pseudo-dynamic loading. First, a four points bending test is presented for different case of steel rate in order to validate that momentum in a section is correctly represented when the concrete is at the maximum damage rate. Then, in a second step, a bending test on a common framework is presented to confirm that the momentum is correctly transmitted in articulation. A particular attention is accorded to the formation of plastic hinges.